Where trolls are beloved members of the community.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Tale of Town Taxes or My $Green$ Acres

or How to Not Pay Taxes by Glarry Failes

A certain SMartie has been trying her best to to point out the lack of revenue coming into the town. We are glad she is worried. We would like to point out that a certain Glarry donated 3 landlocked acres  to the Town in hope they would use the Good Neighbor fund for a Discover water pool or some crap. He commanded they begin construction in three years or he wanted his very valuable land back. Glarry did not take his land back, even though Shandaken's dreams of becoming coveted host to the World's Dumbest Water Park were trashed when it washed out over the line to Delaware County. No, he let the land remain deeded to the town another 6 years. Then when his friend didn't get elected he  was afraid the town would use it for a transfer station or a dog run or something else useful.  He couldn't have that, Deannie might get mad, so he went to the town board and got it back, then sold it to *his* company for $55000.00, yeah for 3 crappy landlocked acres. When other investors were loosing money he was still cashing in. WHO cares the reader asks? That's the free market, Well, Helena would just like to point out that the 9 years this $Green$ Acres was deeded to the town SMartie and Glarry didn't pay the average oh $600 or so yearly taxes. Took the taxpayers for what $5600.00 dollars. I say we all donate our abodes to the town, with a time limit and a conditional use clause and get out of paying our taxes too.

1 comment:

  1. This must be how the Flailes went to Thailand with the Glttahs.. $5,600! not a bad amount for a nice vacationon the tax payers backs. And this must be why SMartie is complaining she will not be able to pay her taxes, she got use to us paying them for her. boo hoo whaaaaaaaaaaaa
