Where trolls are beloved members of the community.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Area Woman Irate Newspaper Folds

BIG INDIAN- Jo Jo Klabb spewed her final vitriolic acid tongued missive in the last issue of the Phaux Times, final for the Phaux Times that is. Known for her antics like the full page hate rages against mild mannered democrats in election years, the public hearing performances that promoted her husband's employers, and whining how hard she has to work since losing all their investment money in the project, Klabb has readily been the front man for special interests in Shandaken. Klabb refused to explain herself to this reporter instead screaming that she would continue to send her opinion to the editor, Brain Power, of the defunct paper whether he wanted them or not. Klabb a champion poison author takes a smidgen of the truth and mixes it with lies until it breathes a life of it's own, though it has long been suspected the letters were written by an elderly equally deranged woman from Shandaken. As Klabb turned, her footprints left burning steam in the grass.


  1. have you heard? Jo Jo is gettin her buddies on the board to hold interviews! hahahah the planning board can't appoint their own members. they have been pulling this crap for years.. whatsa matter Jo? scared robbie won't vote for you like he dint last time?? hahahaha

  2. so far the applicants are Eric Manson, Phat Allison, Jerry Sayso and Arnold
