Where trolls are beloved members of the community.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Let's Reverse the Pattern of Secrecy

Sunshine Week is a national initiative to open a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information. Concerned that our government keeps from the American public the information we need to make our families safe, secure our country, and strengthen democracy, a broad-based set of organizations are set to protest.  We hope you'll help.

There will be a parade in Phoenicia on March 19 highlighting the importance of Sunshine Week. Interested in marching? Get a group together, contact your local official demanding them to share the monthly resolutions, the minimum of transparency at the local level. Dress in sunshine or open government themed messages and gather at the eagle at 4 pm.


  1. your poll on the planning board is very interesting. I believe as do the 93% that she was appointed to sit with the other two democrat, 1 fat, 1 skinny, lesbians. They are all comfortable together.

  2. be there! the resolutions are posted AFTER the meeting. why the secrecy? if they were pulling a fast one no one would know. think of this; if rob gives gitter everything he wants, how would WE know he is going to do it??????

  3. What 93%? what are you a wing nut? you think lumen is comfortable? Lorry, just shut up and do your work.

  4. beth made sure 2 veteran planners were removed from the planning board. keep telling us she has no agenda.
    and its your poll(93%) at the top of this page YOU WINGNUT!!
    where is Redfield? i keep watching and she is a no show now for 1 1/2 years.Except when she was running for office!

  5. why the anger, dude? why do you lie? why is the sky blue? why do you lie?
