Disclaimer we received this via email for proofreading from "Mo" we don't think it was meant for our blog (who nose?)but we will print it anyways.
Let’s go back and see what we have accomplished with these writings. We began this with the intention of bringing to light the nasty attacks on the elected town officials. It proceeded on nastily enough, we did some humor pieces, we did some ranting, we did some stuff that could have hurt someone’s feelings. That wasn’t our primary intention. We didn’t want to just hurt feelings, we wanted to embarrass, humiliate and harass them, We wanted to be Cyber~Bullies. We wanted to have people think the town board was going to jail, they were being investigated, We called people ho bags and implied the nastiest things about them. We said they were arrested at their jobs and shopped for dildo’s in Pine Hill. We didn’t stop at elected officials and their policies We attacked their appearance, height and grooming. We attacked people who are not elected officials. We are better than them. We were not alone, of course we didn’t write all this awful stuff, we directed people to our tag team blog so we could say it was the other guy who wrote that.
This originally was a vehicle for right against left, republicans vs. democrats. We are shifting that view, this is about coming together as one People (like US) and changing what needs to be changed (your minds, to think like ours)
Is it possible for people to change their minds about the direction they are going? Yes it is. Not US but YOU In fact people who have open minds and can actually change their opinions to ours are who we want representing our town and the people in it. We would like to have people willing to listen to dissenting opinions and through discussion, they can change their minds. There is no one way to address a problem. Successful people are the ones who are able to listen to OUR reason and change with the times. We will continue to hate you until you think like us
We hope that the candidates that are voted into office are these types of people. People who refuse to think like us are not the types of people who should be leading people. Phoenicia requires a sewer. We know this, let’s have a vote on it town wide, since ONLY THE TAXPAYER WHO LIVE IN THE SPECIAL PHOENICIA SEWER DISTRICT WILL PAY FOR IT. That’s how dumb we are.
Government needs to stop spending money without the majority of the board’s approval, even though that’s how our government is set up, That’s how dumb we are. Pete this means you have to do what we say. Or we will continue to say you opened sealed bids, had shady dealings and more meetings with just the democrats or just the republicans of the board.
These above issues are just some of the issues that have come up. We will make up more when you win.
We do not understand your tactics, we do not understand who your advisers are or what their individual agenda’s are. This is why we have been writing. We actually do not blame you for not answering us Peter. Who would answer a small group of taxpayers, who wrote such nasty stuff on the internet, Who would think you wouldn’t post a comment or two. Who would think you wouldn’t be our friend. That’s how dumb we are.
Do we all not want the same things? We want the town to move forward to the resort We want cell service, despite Caveman Chucks rantings. we want civility “rozzitz style” in town board meetings, we want honesty and caring from the members of the board, like Joan Larry-blower demonstrates, we want the open, transparent and truthful government that was promised, Like Boob Crosss showed us. Is this too much to ask?
We are grown human beings, we are fathers and mothers, we are professionals and we are laborers, We are assholes. We can’t ask real questions. We have to be really mean and hide behind anonymous blogs. We are sure it will bring us fans and victory. That’s how dumb we are.
We will take flack from this article from another small group of taxpayers who have also decided to voice their opinions in blogs. These people will attempt to destroy us by posting the same article with the words changed. These opponents use their words not to incite change but to continue carry on the nasty mission we started.. They are against any dissenting voices and will not stop until they win. Their tactics are useful in defeating people who are easily scared. We are not easily scared. They can take our homes, they can have our stuff, but they will never take our freedom. We will continue to post our articles until we die. Tyranny comes in many forms and this small band of tyrants that oppose us shall not succeed in threatening us. We are really paranoid, we think you will take our homes because we blog. That’s how dumb we are.
You can tell the character of people by how foolish they allow themselves to look. Just look at us, if you haven’t figured out what assholes we are by now, well, you never will. Guess you’re one of us! . That’s how dumb we are.
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